Palazzo Borghese
via Ghibellina 110 - Florence
European School for Young Leaders
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David Sassoli
A new awareness of Europe can only be generated by our cities. In order to develop a Europe, understood as a “community of destiny” able to inspire its citizens and to strengthen the bonds between people, we can only start from local communities.
In this sense, it is urgent to invest in a new generation of administrators who live the European dimension in the daily life of their work and believe in the founding values of the European Union.
Today more than ever, it is necessary to combine the local vision with a global perspective, creating effective exchange networks and facilitating the exchange of knowledge.
The European School for Local Government was born with this mission: to contribute to the training of young administrators capable of working in teams, solving problems concretely, understanding policies with an innovative approach and, above all, listening to and involving society to build policies oriented towards the common good.
Through a structured educational path, based on the combination of theory, practice and collaboration, we want to train a leadership that knows how to put people and the community at the center of their actions, promoting a culture of conscious and inclusive governance.